Saturday, March 23, 2013

Jonnet Flea Market, Blairsville PA (Part 1)

Anyone who's travelled Route 22 through Blairsville has passed this place.  You're not quite sure if it's open, or condemned, or what; but it looks the same on the inside as it does on the outside.

Regardless of what the building may look like, it's what's on the inside that counts...if you can successfully traverse the maze of shops inside.

Random assortment of bells...

Derpy baby doll is derpy.

Just what I've always wanted!  Crappy playing cards that look like a crappy cigarette pack!

These gloves were just too glamorous to pass up.

I still can't understand how people can just sell their family possessions (pictures, diplomas, etc.)

Draw me like one of your French girls...

This book is a great read for...HEY LOOK A FLOWER!

PROTIP:  there was no PORN section in this book.

Seems a little unethical to sell a Summit catalog that 1. you can get for free, and 2. is 3 years old.


I imagined this doll whistling catcalls at all of the shoppers as they passed.

Not sure if liquor, or poison.

One of two sides of the maze.

Okay, I can see how 'Hard Bodies', 'Beauty', and 'Drugs' play in, but what does that have to do with beets?

Throughout the visit, I had a few people ask me why I was taking so many guy who asked me told me that these cans were 'interesting' and that I should take a picture of here they are.

"The password is...nipple"

Norton is like the Overly Attached Girlfriend of the anti-virus world.

OH HELL YEAH!!! Finding a case like this is like finding a rare fossil!

We have many different wires for your strangling needs!!



  2. The flea market is something from all of the others.
