Monday, March 18, 2013

A Day at the Duncansville Antiques Depot (part 2)

One table had a whole bowl full of TV tubes for sale.

Who would pass up classic tapes like these?!

I know the person just wanted to sell their old christmas light bulbs, but something about them being inside this jar makes them all the more beautiful.

The valley of the dolls was pretty creepy.  I felt like they were all staring at me.

Except for these two, they didn't seem to care who watched.

No caption needed.

Old used valentines...the morbid thought is that both the senders and the recipients are probably all dead by now.

As are the owners of these uniforms.

Your one stop shop for knives, clocks, and swords!!!

Oh, and fake launchers too.

Deputy Woody approves of this video.

These seem like the best way to add instant class to any trailer park decor!

Not surprisingly, all of the women were at the Avon table discussing nail polishes...

While all of the men were at the tool/government conspiracy tables discussing which country Obama is really from.

Poor Elmo, he lead a rich life...I'm glad we caught his viewing while we were there.


 Stay Classy, Duncansville!!

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