Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Oddities is returning!!!

I sincerely apologize for not having any posts up since early spring.  From early April to late October my family and I drag race, and this year I've taken over as track photographer at the track, so unfortunately the blog got put on the back burner.  

Sorry, guys.  

But, there's always a silver lining to every cloud, and I'm glad to say that the oddities will be returning very shortly!! Which is a good thing since the local flea markets seem to have the same stuff for a good 6 months or so.  So I guess taking a little bit of a break was a good thing since (hopefully) it gave the local flea market businessmen/women some time to replenish their supply of awesome weirdness, so stay never know what we'll find next!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

L&L Fleatique Too, Adamsburg PA

L&L Fleatique Too is one of those little out of the way flea markets off of Route 30 between Greensburg and Irwin.

It has been one of my better stops in this adventure.  The place definitely has a 'mom and pop' feel to it, and the people were very nice!

Here's yet another personal item that I can't understand why someone would sell.


Not too many kids today would know who Dick Dastardly is, and that makes me kind of sad.

There was a copy of 'Donkey Kong' hidden in this box...if only I had an Atari!

I think they had the entire stock of Ricky Bobby merchandise left in the US.

It wasn't considered 'gender stereotyping' back then.

I don't think I could have this disembodied head smiling at me.

I'm surprised they're not paying someone to take this TV.  It only weighs as much as an adult.

They were really big into Confederate memorabilia here.

OH YEAH!!! I used to get so excited when it was GeoSafari day in Elementary School.  Who else remembers this?

You could buy some petrified wood, or a 'paperweight' that suspiciously looked like a weed pipe.'re doing it wrong. (yes, I know that Mace is a real spice, I just thought it looked funny)

What is it with people saving old bottles of laxatives?

 Anyone who plays way too much of the Fallout series will get this one.

Free at your doctor's office, $2 at a flea market...hey, we all gotta make a living.

Somehow I pictured the people in this game pretending to punch each other...

Who remembers these????

A perfect gift for Father's Day!!! A platter full of a dead guy's old ties.

The rare 'Pink Panther Dealer' doll.  Very valuable.

What is wrong with this lady's chest?


Can anyone tell me who this guy is?  My husband says it's a character from Doug, but I'm not so sure.

Nope, not racist at all.

I'm surprised the stickers don't say 'wimmen' on them.

This whole bookcase was full of subtle racism.


Why do people keep selling Depends at flea markets?


For all the 'Weird Al' wannabes.

Another example of someone selling their familie's personal possessions, except this one had a small surprise in it.

I don't know if the woman who owned this book wrote this poem, but it was still an amazing find...the book also had this woman's commencement announcement and program in it, as well as an article about (I'm guessing) one of her classmates.

Amazing find.

However, the ad in the back of the yearbook made me facepalm just a little bit.


Beautiful mahjong case, but quite pricy.

Your kid can ride in style with their very own foot powered steel car!

Hi, Bill!

Does anyone else remember having to read these books in Elementary School, or is it just me?

Stay Classy, Adamsburg!

Rossi's Pop-Up Marketplace, North Versailles PA

So this is Rossi's Pop-Up Marketplace...

The building itself used to be a movie theatre, but it's since been reclaimed as a flea market.  The upside is that many of the little 'shops' are inside the actual theater itself, the downside is this place was not very stroller friendly.

They didn't do much to disguise the fact that it used to be a theater.

Every 'shop' looked like this on the inside.

I could picture a classy 45 year old woman wearing this to a Bret Michaels concert.

Not sure why anyone would want to buy someone else's class ring, but okay...

This Ernie was bigger than my 1 1/2 year old daughter.  And he doesn't seem amused by the flea market either.

Not sure what's living inside this lady's hair, but she should get it checked out.

We'll just hang some random pictures on the wall, make it look like we have a lot of stuff.

But...I wasn't dancing.  And stop looking at me like that.


I haven't seen this many NES/SNES games in a LONG time...this is where all of the 18-34 year old white guys were...

I wish I could have gotten a front shot of this 'People of Walmart' candidate...her belly hung down a good 6 inches past the bottom of her shirt, and they both had a pungent aroma to them.  They were complaining about how Walmart 'screwed them over on their ACCESS card' today.

'Excuse me! Girl! Don't take no pictures of my stuff! It's not nice to take pictures of other people's stuff!' (Translation:  I don't want you taking pictures of my drug scales because I really don't want to get in trouble for the K2 spice for sale on the shelf above these scales, and I'm pretty sure these scales may be considered illegal too, so please cease and desist.)

I hope they're not used.

And here we have an ancient relic from 1998!

As well as a relic from the 1980's.

Oh yeah, HD DVD WILL make a comeback!

I could only imagine a tiny Schroeder sitting down to play this was so cute!

Hoarders!!! Flea Market style!

Lots of hidden digital scales for all of your underworld needs!

I don't know if I would buy condoms wholesale out of a rubbermaid tote.

The 'hidden' side of flea markets.

For when Viagra is too expensive.

Oh yeah, let me buy some anal beads from a flea market counter run by a biker.

It's like Victoria's Secret, only a little seedier.

It wasn't all bad inside though, these cupcakes looked absolutely delicious!!!

I would certainly compare these cupcakes to Dozen's...

Stay classy, North Versailles!!!